LAUREN MOZDY, M.D. | 814.833.1756 |Facebook Instagram

Neck & Body Contouring

truSculpt® 3D

A new dimension in body sculpting! This is our new and exciting radio frequency technology for diminishing localized pockets of fat on the body. truSculpt® 3D decreases circumference, diminishes fat and helps you discover a new figure. There is no recovery time and more than one treatment is required.

neckSculpt® 3D

This is the same RF technology as the truSculpt® 3D, but with a smaller head. It helps define the jaw line, tones the skin and improves the fat pad under the chin and jowls. This is a nonsurgical, no downtime treatment that is very reasonably priced for a tightening laser. We recommend three treatments.


A new beauty trend revealed. A non-surgical solution to treat the fullness under your chin. Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment to improve the appearance of fat beneath the chin by physically destroying fat cells. We also do other small pockets of fat on the body! We run frequent specials so call for more information.